Foundation-Year 2 News

Last term was super busy and this term is going to be the same!
Our kids have settled into Term 2 seamlessly and with the joyous weather, who wouldn't want to be here!
We have a couple of magnificent displays currently in the PLC. Our sunflower display has the face of every student on it. We want students to realise that they are all valued and a part of our PLC and the wider school community. With God's help and amazing people around them we have no doubt that they will BLOOM.
We most recently had our ANZAC Day Liturgy which is always a solemn and respectful occasion. Our display represents all soldiers, nurses and animals who were involved in all wars throughout the times. All students contributed the poppies and the result was amazing.
In week 1 we had Supreme Incursions visit us with a presentation called 'Toys over Time'. This concluded our History unit from Term 1. So many toys we as teachers could reminisce about our childhoods with - jacks, elastics, dominoes, dress ups, puppets.... Students were enthralled with the variety of toys - metal, plastic, soft etc. The colours and workmanship on many toys was extraordinary. They also learnt about the origins of some toys such as the frisbee.
Coming up in the next few weeks is another incursion called 'Forces' as we are studying Forces - push and pull. Keep an eye out for photos. For the rest of this term each class is attending a taekwondo lesson each week. This will build on the skills taught in previous years. The kids love it and it's a great way to exert some energy!
Anne Spencer