Defence Mentor

What a busy start to Term 2 with Anzac Day Commemorations, Grade 3 & 4 Phillip Island Camp and Year 7 Halls Gap Camp, we hope everyone has had a great start to the term.
Anzac Day Commemorations
St Marys College leaders, students, defence families, teachers & parents were honoured to attend the RSL Dawn & Morning Services on Thursday 25th April where College Captains Sophie Munroe & Andrew Bree delivered heartfelt speeches in honour of our Anzacs along with the College Anzac Liturgy which was held on Wednesday 24th April where we paid respects to all veterans past & present.
Our prayers were read beautifully by our College Leaders and Defence students.
It was very warming for the College Community as a whole to commemorate this special day. We were honoured to have MAJ Dave Allen and MAJ Louise Morton participating in this Liturgy. Lest We Forget
Kate Best