
Mr Wayne Smith

Dear Parents and Carers,


“And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values, like you work hard for what you want in life. That your word is your bond; that you do what you say you're going to do. That you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them and even if you don't agree with them. “

Michelle Obama


Mission Australia releases statistics on Australian life. Their findings on violence continue to be alarming. It is well documented that women are more likely to experience abuse at the hands of a partner. Being the father of three daughters, I am not alone as a dad in the values I asked them to look for in a relationship. Considering the constant news every year of violence against women I hoped that I had done enough as a dad to give our daughters good male modelling, so they knew that they had every right to be equals and be respected. A one-sided relationship is not a relationship.


Our students are the parents of tomorrow. How our students are immersed in Mercy Values and how they learn from the modelling of adults are play important in their formation into adult life and relationships.  Human dignity and respect are basic to any relationship or friendship. Respecting and dignity of gender is a nonnegotiable at St Mary’s. When dignity is respected then a person is valued regardless of their faults - we all have them. 


How then can our St Mary’s students change the narrative and change the future?  Our boys are challenged to be better men and our girls are challenged to call out disrespect.  The College Positive Behaviour for learning focuses on three key words – RESPECT; INTEGRITY; EXCELLENCE. As these words continue to embed in the life of St Mary’s, these words will impact, as they already are.


Lest We Forget

Thank you to our student leaders for representing St Mary’s at both services on ANZAC Day. The students were prepared by Mrs Best’s (Defence Force Mentor) and their sincere manner were equal to the importance of the day.


The Kokoda Scholarship

Congratulations to Chloe Butterworth on her regional selection to walk the Kokoda Trail. Chloe was one of five Year 11 St Mary’s students who applied for the inaugural scholarship and now begins training for the arduous high altitude climb. The walk takes anywhere from four to twelve days to complete. Ther five students will receive a copy of the brilliant book by Peter Fitzsimmons, Kokoda.



For the first time in many years St Mary’s is likely to have a waiting list for families wanting enrol children in Year 7 2025. If you know of family intending to apply for Year 7 enrolment, please inform them they need to contact the College Enrolment Registrar Mrs Andrea Webster sooner rather than later.


Australian Catholic University (ACU) Graduations 

Congratulations to Ms McInerney Mrs Pierce and Ms Hurst and on their graduation from ACU. Lauren received Bachelor of Education (Primary). Kerrie and Catherine completed a post graduate degree – Master of Education (Allied School Psychology).  Our students are in excellent hands!


VCE Centre

The design for the VCE Centre is in its final stages. ROAM architects are up to the 4th draft. One of the outcomes of the post Covid era is highlighted through the huge increase in commercial building costs. All things considered; the design will be a very good outcome. We look forward to the final design to show the College community.



Year 3 & 4 had a great time at Phillip Island although the penguins were on go slow the night, they watched them come in from the ocean feeding. Year 7 had a great time at Halls Gap completing outdoor activities and realising, “I can do it”.


Our students are usually excellent ambassadors for the College when away on excursion. Their manners and willingness to get in and help is so often exceptional. They understand the seriousness of setting a legacy through their example knowing that there are younger students to follow them. It is of no surprise that both the staff at Phillip island and at Halls Gap sang the praises of St Mary’s College Seymour during our time with them.


Thank you to Stuart Locke and the team at Seymour Coaches. Year 7 gave the drivers a big cheer of thanks on our arrival back from the Grampians. 


Southern Australia has been blessed with glorious Autumn weather. Long may it continue.



Best wishes




Wayne Smith


DipEd (ACU) DipREd (ACU) Bed (ACU) GradCertEdAdmin (Edith Cowan) 

GradDipREd (ACU) MEdAdmin (Charles Sturt) MTheoStudies (BBITAITE)