Community News

Sewing machines Needed!
If you happen to have an old sewing machine gathering dust why not donate it to the school! We are looking for any working machines that we can then use in our junior art and technology classes. Any machine of any age (within reason) with working components would accept with vigour and much gratitude! All donations can be dropped at the admin!
Warm thanks from our happy haberdashers.
DFSM at home concert - 9th May
The Defence Force School of Music (DFSM) holds a regular series of ‘At Home’ Concerts throughout the year at Simpson Barracks, Watsonia.
These performances are free, open to the public and feature a variety of music performed by Australian Defence Force Musicians.
We are now accepting bookings to our next At Home Concert, which will be held at 10.30am on Thursday 09th May.
Bookings to the DFSM At Home Concert series can now only be made through the website.
If you would like to attend this concert, please click on the following link DFSM At Home Concert - Thursday 09 May 2024
Important Booking information
- Bookings will only be accepted through the try booking system at the above link.
- At the time of booking you will be required to provide the full name, contact number, mode of transport information and email address (optional).
- Ticket bookings will close strictly on Sunday 04 May at 10pm.