Principal's Message

ANZAC Services
This year, our Year 6 leaders took on a special role in supporting the ANZAC Day service at Lancefield Cenotaph for the Romsey-Lancefield RSL. Our student leaders played an integral part in the service by helping to hand out flags and poppies to the attendees. Our Year 6 leaders also stepped forward to lay a wreath at the base of the cenotaph.
In addition to laying the wreath, Abby also had the responsibility of reading out the names of the soldiers from our local area who lost their lives in war. The ANZAC Day service at Lancefield Centotaph was a powerful reminder of the importance of remembering and honouring our heroes. We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 leaders for their involvement in this significant event, and we are grateful for the opportunity to pay our respects alongside our community.
In addition to attending the ANZAC Day service at Lancefield Centotaph, our school held a special service, during our assembly, to commemorate this important day. We were honoured to have John and Bob from the Romsey-Lancefield RSL join us to share their knowledge and insights about ANZAC Day.
During the service, our students gathered as we listened to the Last Post and the Rouse. We observed a minute's silence, the atmosphere was one of respect. Our Year 6 leaders read out the Ode of Remembrance in front of some artwork created by the father of our very own, Nicole. It was a moving service and we were proud of the Year 6 leaders for running it so smoothly.
Lest we forget.
Student Leadership
At Bolinda Primary School, we believe in the power of student leadership. We understand the importance of giving our students a voice and a role within their school community. That's why we are thrilled to announce the finalisation of our student leadership positions for the upcoming school year.
The benefits of student leadership are numerous and extensive. By giving students the opportunity to take on leadership roles, we empower them to develop important life skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Student leadership also fosters a sense of ownership and belonging within the school community, helping students to develop confidence and self-esteem.
I was incredibly impressed to see so many children put their hand up for leadership roles this year. It speaks volumes about their commitment to making a positive difference within our school. After careful consideration, we have now finalised the positions, and our student leaders have received their badges with pride. They are eager and ready to get to work, helping to make our school an even better place for everyone.
We are incredibly proud of all of our student leaders, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact they will have on our school. With their energy, enthusiasm, and dedication, we know that the future of Bolinda Primary School is in good hands.
Captains | Junior School Council | Wellbeing | Sustainability | Sports |
Abby | Abbi (Leader) | Victoria (Leader) | Reilee (Leader) | Andre (Leader) |
Bella | Briar | Zac (Leader | Charli | Jack (Leader) |
Fletcher | Evie | Amelia | Lucas C | Connor |
Heidi | Owen | Ella | Jake | |
Peter | Emelia | Lucas W | ||
Rosie | Isabella | |||
Zoe | Logan | |||
2025 Foundation Enrolments
The enrolment process for 2025 Foundation students at Bolinda Primary School has commenced. For 2025 enrolments, please contact the office to obtain an enrolment form if you have a child who is due to start school next year.
We are currently scheduling tours for families interested in enrolling their child at Bolinda Primary School. Additionally, we are finalising an information session to run at the end of May. In the spirit of community, we kindly ask for your help in spreading the word. If you know of other families in our area with kindergarten-age children, we encourage you to share this news with them.
We look forward to welcoming our new Foundation students and their families to Bolinda Primary School!
Bolinda Primary School Culture
We were treated to this heartfelt speech last week at assembly and it was too good not to share it to the whole school community. In Term 1, the children of the 2/3/4 classroom looked at culture for their Inquiry unit. Everyone in the class were able to choose how they wanted to present their end of unit assessment task. Some chose a diorama, some chose a Powerpoint, some chose a movie and there was even a song. Zoe and Logan chose to write a speech about the culture of Bolinda Primary School. Enjoy.
Good afternoon everyone. Our names are Zoe and Logan and we are here today to talk about Bolinda Primary School’s culture.
Bolinda Primary School was a train station before the school was built in 1870. You can still see the original train tracks at Bolinda Creek. The children at Bolinda Primary School sometimes dig up old parts from the train tracks.
Bolinda is a small school. We only have 44 students but at Bolinda Primary School, we don’t have any bullying because kids are encouraged to be kind. Bolinda Primary School has kids who have come from many different schools. This is because our school fits for every child. We love our education at Bolinda Primary School and that’s why lots of kids come from other schools. We are never afraid to be wrong with our work because we know that is just a part of learning.
Our school values are Learning, Respect, Resilience and Responsibility. These are the values we all follow every day. Everyone at Bolinda Primary School is lovely. Our great teachers and principal. Our kind business manager and our helpful aides. They all help us to do our best.
At our school, we have student leadership roles. Everyone can be a leader at Bolinda Primary School, especially in Grades 3 – 6. We have the student leadership teams of Junior School Council, Sustainability, Wellbeing, Sports and our Year 6 Captains. We have a whole school assembly every fortnight and we invite families to come and watch. It is important that families are included in our school. You might even receive a Values Award for doing something great in the school.
Everyone plays together in the schoolyard. Year 6s and Preps play with each other, it doesn’t matter, everyone is included. This makes Bolinda Primary School a special school to go to. We hope we have taught you about the culture of Bolinda Primary School and what a positive school environment we have here.
We are very proud of our school.
Family Help
During the school council meeting last Wednesday, we discussed the idea of having a whole school Working Bee. We believe that this would greatly benefit our school, especially as we approach winter. We are hoping to have the Working Bee before the end of May to ensure that the school is tidied up before the colder weather sets in.
There are several urgent jobs that we would like to complete, including:
- Spreading softfall mulch around the playground
- Filling the potholes in our carpark
- Spreading rock on the pathways from the carpark to the entrance of the school
- Removing the old green shed at the front of the school
To help us determine the best time to hold the Working Bee, we kindly ask that you add your preferred time to this Google Form: Working Bee Preferred Time Form.
Adding your preferred time does not commit you to attending, but it will give us a better idea of everyone's availability.
One important thing to note is that as the Working Bee falls under the Volunteer Policy, we do require helpers with Working with Children Checks. Since the event will take place at the school and there may be children present, this is a requirement under the Child Safe Standards.
Once we have gathered everyone's preferred time, we will communicate the details of the Working Bee to the community.
Additionally, we're calling out for more families to join to assist in organising and running events for the school. There will be more information about this in the coming weeks.