
Positive Behaviours for Learning

At SFS, our PBL (Positive behaviours for learning) school wide expectations are:





Responsibility and 





The whole school has a PBL lesson on a Monday at 1pm. This week we have continued to focus on RESPONSIBILITY: Engage and persevere with all tasks. We have been teaching the children about having a positive mindset, we call this a growth mindset. If we can be aware of when we have a negative mindset (fixed) we can try to flip our thinking to be more positive about whatever it is we are finding difficult. The children have explored the times at school that they do have a choice in what they want to do and the times that they do not. At SFS, we expect everyone to engage with their learning, even activities they may not like, find challenging or boring.

Here are some of our lucky raffle PBL winners from the last 2 weeks who have been demonstrating our schoolwide expected behaviours.



A big thank you to all the children and families who participated in National walk to school day today, Friday 10th May 2024. 


There are so many benefits of walking, riding or scooting to school, so try to keep doing it when you can. The children enjoyed receiving their temporary tattoos and a piece of fruit as they arrived at school. Let’s keep being fit and active!


Child Safe standards

The Child Safe Standards aim to protect children and young people, by requiring organisations to put policies, procedures and processes in place to prevent and respond to abuse. They aim to make keeping children and young people safe. There are 11 standards.

Standard 6

Organisations make sure that people working with children are suitable. Staff are supported and know what to do to keep children safe from abuse and harm.


Your organisation must: 

• focus on child safety and wellbeing when hiring new staff and volunteers. This can be in advertising, referee checks, and screening, before they start work

 • make sure that staff and volunteers have the right background checks

 • make sure that new staff know what they must do to keep children safe from abuse and harm. This includes: – keeping good records – knowing when to share information – knowing when and how to make a report 

• make sure managers help staff to focus on child safety. 


Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS)


This jigsaw graphic explains the role of the MHaWL 

(Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader.


As my role as the Mental Health and Wellbeing leader, I am here to help support families. If you or a teacher has concerns about your child’s mental health or wellbeing, I will be able to assist with what support we can provide at school and what external supports may be available. I work at SFS Monday to Thursday, so please reach out if you need support. You can call the school, come into school for a chat or send me an email, rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au 


I personally have had experience dealing with disabilities in my family with both of my son’s having a diagnosis and an NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) plan. This can be very tricky to navigate and access service to support your child. Please come and speak with me if you would like any guidance and support.


Twilight Market 

Our annual Twilight Market and biannual Art show will be on this year on Thursday 7th November 2024 from 5 pm to 8 pm. 


The cost of a stall this year is 30 dollars. This is an event we always look forward to each year. If anyone has a small business they would like to promote or students and families would like to have their own stall, please speak with me or email me rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au with details of your stall. 


Please let your family and friends know as well. Let’s make this year’s market the best one yet. If you would like to have a market stall this year, you will need to let me know by Friday 28th June at the end of this term. Please speak to me if you have any questions about the Market.


If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Rachel Lenko rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au

Mental Health and Wellbeing leader