Learning and Teaching

💻 DT Update 💻


This term in DT we have begun by exploring the school Inquiry focus of ‘energy’. The students have been looking at how we use technology and how we are able to power our devices to be able to use them. 



At the beginning of the term the students begun by sorting items based on how we use them, if it is either to help provide entertainment, comfort or to be helpful. Once the students had sorted the variety of items, they then observed the items to see if there are some that are used for a similar purpose. By doing this, the students were able to see that through advancements in energy and technology we have been able to improve items to make them easier to use. For example we have brooms which have been improved through the introduction of vacuum cleaners. We have clothes lines but if it is a cold rainy day we can use a clothes dryer. 

The students have also been practicing their computer skills by logging on and completing some mouse skills with a focus on the drag and drop mouse skill. 



The seniors began the term by learning about the process that is required to charge our device. This is from plants, to coal to our power points to our charger or through renewable energies such as solar and wind. It was a tricky activity, though with persistence we were able to order the process. It was also interesting to see that the final steps of every type of energy are all very similar. 

With this knowledge we were able to look at what is needed to power items such as the mBots and our Chromebooks. 

The students also looked at other key components of the mBots that enable them to work such as Bluetooth, led panels and sensors. The students then spent the rest of the session practicing their block coding to give instructions to the mBot!


Taryn Bartlett

Digital Technology Teacher


Mothers Day Messages ....

Mothers Day Messages from the Seniors

LS1 Seniors

LS2 Seniors

LS3 Seniors


In Music/Dance we are using our voices, bodies and instruments to respond to music. Students are learning to play the song ‘Yellow Submarine’ on the keyboards and are learning a variety of dance styles. 

This week the Senior students have been learning some tap-dancing moves! We are focusing on having a go and joining in, and will be working in groups to create some choreography for a variety of dance styles throughout the term. It has been fantastic to see the Junior and Senior students having a go and trying their best.





We have been busy practising for a very special event- the Mother’s Day Morning Tea. We have had lots of fun and are sounding fantastic together. Well done to the students that have been attending every rehearsal. It is a big ask to spend one to two lunchtimes per week in Choir. Well done to the Choir students. We are very proud of you.

Nicole and Rachel.


Nicole Parnell

Music and Drama Teacher




Inter-School Sports


Our Grade 5/6's competed in Inter-school Sport against Casey Fields Primary School. Casey Fields Primary School is very strong and does exceptionally well in all aspects of Sport whether it's Athletics and so on.  Well done to our students that competed fairly and showed sportsmanship to the Casey Fields students.  Congratulations to everyone and thank you to all staff that assisted with the running of Inter-school Sport.



We had Jordyn, Jax and Benedict who tried out for the Football School Sport Victoria U12's Team.  They played one game in different positions: midfield, forward and backline.  Unfortunately, the three boys tried their best but didn't progress to the next stage.  They were disappointed, however enjoyed the process and felt that they learned a lot from it.



Andi and Remi Mole participated in the Basketball Trials for the School Sport Victoria Team Under 12's Girls Team.  They had to play six games during the day.  They were exhausted, however, they enjoyed their day.  There were 40 girls who tried their best, however, they only chose 5 girls to the next stage. It gives us great pleasure to inform everyone that Andi Mole has progressed to the next stage.


On Monday Andi participated in another trial of Basketball, in which she has progressed into the next stage.  There were 60 girls and only 8 girls were able to progress into the next stage, and our Andi was one of them.  Watch this space to see what happens.


Lulli Barbakos

Physical Education Teacher





On Monday May 6th our inter-school sports soccer teams attended the St John’s Paul Wade Cup. We would like to thank St John’s for providing our students with this experience and for providing transport and lunch for each child. What a great experience for our students. They were able to play against a number of different primary schools.



District Football Gala Day will take place next Wednesday May 15th. Students will leave at approximately 9.10 am and return by 3.00 pm. We ask that students arrive at school by 8.45 am, sign in at their Learning Space and then proceed to the Community Room where they will receive their footy jumpers. 


All students will require a mouthguard otherwise they will not be allowed to play. Students will need to bring a warm, waterproof jacket to wear when not playing. They are also encouraged to bring a change of clothes, especially shoes and socks for when they are finished playing. Students will need to bring their snack, lunch and water bottle. Reminders will be placed on Morning Gathering also.




We are excited to inform you that we have been able to organise an AFL Primary Play Clinic for the Junior students. Jason from AFL, has kindly organised a coach, Jackson, to come out next week on Friday May 17th.


The students will attend a 55 minute clinic. Please ensure your child is wearing their sports uniform and has their water bottle and hat on the day. Reminders will also be placed on Morning Reminders and in the Newsletter.


We would like to thank AFL for this opportunity and if you are interested in your child participating in NAB AFL Auskick after school, please see the flyer in the Community Section on the newsletter.




On the last day of term students will be involved in the Soccer Fun Day. Seniors will participate in House soccer matches and Juniors in soccer rotational activities. We will hopefully have our traditional Staff vs Gr 6 soccer match as well. 



Sports Coordinator
