Stage 3

A message from Stage 3

“Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardour and diligence.”– Abigail Adams 

How do you eat an elephant?

Asking that question to a group of Stage 3 students can bring with it a range of entertaining responses. The question is an old metaphor that goes to the heart of problem-solving. To do a thing, as big as eating an elephant, would require the person to take one bite at a time. Coming to school is like lining up a herd of elephants and trying to eat them and yet this huge task is being completed day after day with diligence and ardour by our young students at Ben Venue. 


Learning skills like reading, spelling and dividing, among many others, provide the foundation for students to participate in their communities. In addition to these content-based skills, and perhaps more importantly, Stage 3 students are also learning to create, collaborate, communicate and think critically. These are skills they will take with them and can apply no matter their path in life. Students will refine these skills by deeply analysing text, solving complex mathematical problems and thinking and inquiring like scientists and historians this term. We have an enriching program planned for the next 10 weeks that will include; the detailed analysis of text called 'One Small Island', a study of immigration and its impact on Australia and an investigation into circuits, energy and electricity.  I look forward to sharing some work samples later in the term.

Cross Country 2024


Zane Osborn

Assistant Principal, Stage 3