Deputy Principal's Message

Welcome to Term 2! We have a busy term ahead with many extra-curricular activities coming up. Please keep an eye on School Bytes for notes and information. We have PSSA sports games and trials, the Armidale Eisteddfod, Olympic Day, Zone Cross Country and athletics carnivals in May and June, just to name a few.
BVPS Student Representative Council (SRC)
Our 2024 SRC had its first meeting last term and is now well and truly underway. During our first meeting of the term, representatives discussed some potential student fundraising initiatives and other ways to enhance the school environment and their school experience. We look forward to sharing these initiatives with the school community over the year.
Late arrivals to school
If your child arrives late to school or needs to leave early, please inform the office or the classroom teacher. Any late arrival or early departure from school requires an explanation, either verbal or written, from parents/carers. Explanations that are provided by a student, rather than a parent, are considered an unjustified, partial absence.
Lana Howlett
Deputy Principal