Principal's Message

Welcome back to a new term of learning. Please check the calendar section of this newsletter, which has been updated with many of this term's activities. Also, please view the Community Notices section, which includes information on how our community can support one of our families.
Academic Reports
Academic reports are distributed to families at the end of Terms 2 and 4 each year. This year, reports will be provided via email and the School Bytes Parent Portal. As well as being a step in the right direction for our environment, electronic distribution will smooth the process for students who are absent in the final week of term.
We have also improved our reporting format to provide more useful information in each key learning area, including additional information on your child's strengths and next steps in learning.
2023 Annual Report
The BVPS Annual Report was published at the end of last term. The report provides an update on our school's progress towards targets of the Strategic Improvement Plan. Click here to view the report.
Responding to feedback
Last term I provided general information relating to feedback we received from families. Below is a chart representing overall satisfaction based upon the Term 4 survey. The information that follows is provided in response to themes in the data.
Several respondents expressed frustration that our school does not run a canteen. Over the past two years, several attempts have been made to attract a canteen operator. Two open tender processes have been held with no applications submitted.
Extra K-2 sporting opportunities
A number of responses indicated a desire for further sporting carnivals in K-2. While a swimming carnival for students is not appropriate, this year we will add a K-2 version of the cross country, to compliment the K-2 athletics carnival.
All K-2 students will participate in a distance run (junior version of our cross country) on school grounds on Friday 10 May, 11:45-1:00. Kinder students will complete laps of Bruce Browning Oval, while Year 1 and 2 students will traverse a course around the school. Parents/carers are invited to spectate or run with students, then lunch with students at the end of the run.
Data collection on communication & recognition of achievement
Feedback relating to our approach to recognising student effort and achievement was highly varied, with some dissatisfaction, and others expressing deep appreciation for the approach.
From this term, we will hold an assembly roughly every five weeks, celebrating the many and varied achievements of our students across academics, sport, creative arts, leadership and community service. Families will be invited ahead of these assemblies.
Having implemented our new approach to recognition and awards for over a year, now is a good time to check in on the perceptions of our community. More information and a greater response rate from our community is required to help us evaluate our approach and inform our next steps. Often the feedback we receive is from a minority with strong beliefs in either direction, and we miss the opportunity to develop an understanding of the average perception and opinion. The more representative the data we can collect, the more our decisions as a school will meet the needs of all our families. I ask everyone reading this newsletter to please complete a 2-5 minute survey on experience with, and perceptions of Ben Venue's approach to recognition of student effort and achievement.
This survey will remain open until the end of Term 2. Results will be shared only if the minimum response rate is achieved.
Opportunity Classes & Selective High Schools
Placement process for Year 5 2025
Applications for 2025 Year 5 entry to opportunity classes (current Year 4 students) opened on Thursday 4 April. In Armidale, opportunity class places are offered at Armidale City PS and via Aurora College. The application link will be published on the site linked here, and further information on opportunity classes is available here. Applications close on Monday 20 May. The placement test will be held on Thursday 1 August.
Selective High School test
The test for entry into a selective high school class will be held on Thursday 9 May. Students participating will have received information from the Selective Education Unit.
Reasonable timelines for communication
In response to a new Department of Education policy, our school has set reasonable expectations regarding phone and digital communications.
Teachers are on class or playground duty through most of the day and often have meetings before and after school. Phone messages and emails may not be received by staff until after work hours or the next day. Staff are not expected to respond to communications from their colleagues or the community outside of work hours. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is reasonable to expect a response to a phone call or email within two school days.
Cam Pryce