Assistant Principals' Report

Dear HPS Community,


Welcome back everyone. We hope you had a great holiday break and you have all settled back into school this week.



It has been a busy week at HPS. In addition to all the fantastic learning taking place in classrooms, there have been lots of great activities including Year 3 camp, Year 4 excursion, Cyber safety sessions, First Aid for senior students, State Swimming Championships and Duke the Wellbeing Dog celebrated his 6th Birthday.


A very wet Duke enjoying some birthday treats in the AP Office ->




Last night we held a parent/ carer Digital Safety and Wellbeing session facilitated by Bec and Steve from Evolve. It was a highly interactive session and those that attended found it to be an informative and relevant. Whilst we haven’t any slides to share, I can provide the link to the Evolve website where there are also some great resources and information for families.


Evolve’s Positive Parenting Pillars are as follows:

  • model safe online practices
  • participate in their online world
  • communicate openly
  • supervise and support

One big take away from the session is the fabulous Beacon app This app is highly recommended by our facilitators and can be downloaded in the usual way onto your phone. The app is a federal government initiative to support and guide families in being safe online. It has ‘in time’ information about how to tackle ‘tricky’ situations that may arise, access to family digital tech agreements and much more.


Please look out for some testimonials in next week’s newsletter from some of the parents who attended. 


This week the students from Foundation – Year 6 also attended a session in class and Bec and Steve also delivered a professional learning to staff with an introduction to the new Australian Curriculum subject area of Digital Citizenship. 


Thank you to Mr Simon Lovett for all his efforts with the organisation of the sessions. Well done, a great success with students, staff and families. 


Have a great weekend!


Helen Thomas & Monique Rankin

Assistant Principals

Heidelberg Primary School