Stage 1 Science Incursion

Science Incursion - "Push and Pull" - Years 1 & 2
On Monday 21st May, Years 1 & 2 participated in an all day Science Incursion - "Push and Pull" with Ranger Jamie. The day was filled with STEM-based fun with an engaging presentation and action-packed activities. There were a variety of props on hand and elected students got to dress up in science lab coats, goggles and gloves and apply their movement skills to demonstrate the effects of push and pull forces.
The classes saw forces and energy in action with flying balloons, launching rockets, and more. They used specially made products, tools and equipment to explore how technology could be used with forces, and the students were also tasked with solving movement challenges. These activities challenged them to come up with alternative solutions to problems, and gain an understanding of the purpose of different forces. Students examined firsthand how different applications of strength or different types of energy could create change in the motion of objects. They also witnessed and discussed the simple ways they use push and pull forces in everyday life, allowing them to further develop their understanding of forces and energy and how it can be used for specific purposes in products.
Student Voice
Students in Years 1 and 2 were very excited during this incursion and would like to share some of their thoughts:
Hunter Moeskops (Yr 1):
In the morning I saw liquid nitrogen make steam as it came out. The liquid nitrogen filled a balloon and we had to cover our ears - it made a really loud noise. I thought the sound was loud but it was very cool and I had not seen this before.
Maya Locke (Yr 1):
I loved it when we made 'oobleck', it was like slime but when you tried to pick it up it turned into a liquid. We got lots of cornflour everywhere - but it was so much fun! We also did tug-of-war with a really long rope, unfortunately my side did not win.
West Bolder (Yr 1):
My favourite part of the incursion was when we rode the billycarts, we got to pull the carts and then had to try to stop them. We had to wear a helmet when we were riding them, I could not stop laughing.
Joshau Whittaker (Yr 2):
I thought the rockets were great because I launched mine up into the air and it went so high. When the balloons were blown up with liquid nitrogen and popped really loud, everyone had to cover their ears and it was so much fun.
Caitlin Zeglin (Yr 2):
At the incursion, I loved making the rocket and blasting it up into the sky - it was so cool! I had so much fun with the tug-of-war, even though one side cheated!!!! - we all had a great time.
Milo Buchanan (Yr 2):
Today I loved launching the rockets because it was so fun seeing all the rockets go up into the air. The billycarts were really great, I liked being on the billycart - it felt like I went really fast, thank goodness I had my helmet on!