Library News

This week we are sharing the beautiful book, Bowerbird Blues through the National Simultaneous Storytime. I was lucky enough to join the author, Aura Parker for a professional development session last week, where she shared her creative process as well as a guided drawing lesson to share with our students. We are so lucky to have such generous and creative authors and illustrators in this country!
Thank you to all the children who have been bringing in 'bits of blue' for our bower!
Both our Year 1 and Year 2 classes have now completed the Premier's Reading Challenge! Well done all of you!
Keep up the reading everyone, and don't forget, if you find it tricky to add books to your own PRC account, just write down the books you've been reading and give me the list. I'll do it for you.
Here is the next St Anthony's reading challenge for Weeks 4 and 5. Happy reading!
Yours in Love and Service,
Verity Temple
Teacher Librarian