Assistant Principal's Message

International Competitions & Assessments for Schools (ICAS)
ICAS is a series of competition assessments, set at a challenging level, which focuses on problem solving skills. Students who sit ICAS are asked to demonstrate a deeper, integrated, and thorough level of learning. The assessments are suitable for students wishing to extend themselves academically and take up the personal challenge of competing in an international assessment.
ICAS assessments can serve as a valuable tool for parents to gain insights into their child's academic performance, make informed decisions about their education, and support their learning journey effectively.
The exams are available to students in Years 2 to 6. The test will be administered BEFORE SCHOOL at 7:45am in the Year 4 classroom and will be supervised by a teacher at the school.
The following table shows the exams and the dates on which the exams are held. The cost per test is indicated below.
In 2024 students have the opportunity to participate in the following subjects:
ICAS English | Monday 12 August 7:45am Year 4 Classroom | $19.95 (inc. GST) |
ICAS Mathematics | Monday 26 August 7:45am Year 4 Classroom | $19.95 (inc. GST) |
Please note: ICAS assessments have a strict testing window and if a student is absent on the designated day of testing, it may not be possible for them to complete the test.
If you would like your child to participate in any of the subjects listed above, please visit the online Parent Payment System to make a direct payment. The Parent Payment System is a simple and secure online payment service specifically for parents to purchase ICAS Assessments.
The web link is:
Our school’s unique access code is: RID107
Online payment closes: Monday 15 July 2024
Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition. Every student will receive a printed certificate and an online result report. Top performers will be eligible for medals.
IMPORTANT: Please enter your child’s name accurately into the System as this is how it will appear on their ICAS certificate.
Wellbeing: U R Strong
During a visit to the library the other day, I noticed a Kindergarten student struggle to grab a book that was just out of his reach.
Before I could help her, this is what I noticed:
A year 2 student stopped reading his book and made his way over to the younger child and got the book for them. He then handed h the book she couldn't reach, and said with a smile, "You were so close! Soon you’ll be able to reach yourself."
It was a brief exchange, but it struck me how powerful it is to hear encouraging words, especially when they come from someone else.
We often tell our children how special they are, but seeing them interact with others is truly inspiring.
This week's printable, You Are & I Am Affirmation Cards provide a perfect opportunity to craft unique and heartfelt messages of love, encouragement, and affirmation.
Fur, feathers, skin, scales, shell or hair?
Students in Years 2-6 will choose an animal to research that integrates Reading, Writing, and Geography, History, Science and Languages in a fun way. Each student will choose a an animal to study and research for the next seven weeks.
Due: Monday, 24th June
Classroom Presentations: Throughout Week 9 - Monday, 24th June to Friday, 28th June
Showcase Afternoon: Monday, 1st July from 2:15-3:00pm (Parents Welcome)
Throughout Week 9 - Monday, 24th June to Friday, 28th June each student will present their animal in any form they choose (e-books/ song/ poem/ booth board/ video/ story/ drama play/ dress up/ slide presentation/ drawing/ sculpture/ artwork/ build a model/ cardboard presentation/ diorama) to the rest of their class.
On Monday, 1st July - Week 10 @ 2:15pm we will have open afternoon for parents and carers to visit and see what great talent and academic abilities we have at St Anthony's School.
Yours in Love & Service
Marie Iorfino
Assistant Principal