Secondary Sub School Rooms 19 - 27

Ashley Stace - Secondary Sub School Leader


Last week was the Secondary Sub Schools swim week. 

It was fantastic to see how much enjoyment the pool brings. Students were all smiles as they splashed around, floated, practiced swimming, freestyle and backstroke. There were varying levels of skills amongst the groups.

I also owe all the parents who turned up to watch their son or daughter a huge thank you. Your support and encouragement contributed to the success of swimming week. 

All JSA staff showcased their worth with flexibility throughout the week. It was evident how experienced our staff are. Staff approached all behaviours with amazing calmness and professionalism. 

Keep warm,

Ash Stace.


Room 24


  In room 24 we have done lots of work. We went on an excursion to ACMI and did the top down animation workshop.  There was also a 1930s movie in the museum. We also went to CERES for a workshop and we learned about recycling and composting. In maths we have learned about counting, geometry and more. In Term 1 we went to the MCG and Sealife. At the MCG we did a tour.  We enjoyed practising our travel skills and using the train. 


Written by Room 24 students.