Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill - Middle Sub School Leader


We are already four weeks into Term 2! Who knew?!


I hope you received positive feedback from your children after what was no doubt a very busy, fun and exciting swimming week. It was so wonderful to see students in a different environment, simply thriving! So many of our students overcame fears, challenges and initial worries. With the support of familiar and unfamiliar staff, students shone.


We have plenty of exciting times coming up- La Viva Musica Incursions, possible basketball clinics and various student engagement days. Classroom staff are busy preparing for these, and communication will come out shortly.


Seesaw continues to be a platform used to share exciting events, student work and as a way for you to communicate with the classroom team. Should you have any trouble accessing this, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher, as we would hate for you to miss out on all of the magic that is shared via the app. 

Speaking of, assemblies are officially live via Seesaw. We hope you enjoy watching the students engage in presenting to an audience! 


As always, I hope the weeks ahead are kind to you! Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s classroom teacher, and alternatively contact the office so that you can be directed accordingly. Stay safe and enjoy your Weeks 5 & 6.

                                   Room 15


Room 15 have enjoyed an amazing week of swimming. We have enjoyed programs such as kitchen and garden. Catching and looking after snails and enjoying eating all our yummy food.