Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Christian for being able to verbalise in order the days of the week.
  • George for requesting items by pointing to the visuals/photos.

Room 2

  • Ernie for transitioning to class in the mornings.
  • Rameen for doing good listening and following instructions 

Room 3

  • Aaron and Riyansha for great counting. 

Room 4

  • Logan has been showing great manners, by being respectful and thoughtful to his peers.  What a star you are, Logan! Keep up the great work, Logan!
  • Madeline has been showing great listening skills. What a star you are, Madeline! Keep up the great work, Madeline!


Room 5

  • Our Star of the Week is Aarjav for playing nicely with his friends in the playground. 

Room 6

  • Evie and Ransher for following instructions in the classroom and participating in learning activities.

Room 7 

  • My star of the week is Decon for showing good listening to his teachers and having a good attitude towards his work. 

Room 8


  • Mason for following directions 
  • Ashwath for making a good effort in maths 


Room 9 

  • Aboudi for trying his best to participate in activities
  • Ethan for trying his best to complete his goals and work tasks