Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Capital Works
There is a huge sense of excitement around the school. Staff groups have been using the Assessment and Meeting Room in Yaluk building for meetings. Last night the School Councillors had their first meeting in the room.
Next week we are expecting delivery of the furniture for Rooms 26 and 27 and the Art Room. Once these are set up the students will be able to use the new classrooms and Art Room. The Hospitality Kitchen is being set up by the hospitality students as they unpack and determine the most efficient places for equipment. The new fridge and freezer for the kitchen will be arriving next week too.
Last week parents were invited to visit the building. The parents who attended were very pleased with the building. We will have later opportunities for parents to visit on Special days.
The new grass around the building is growing well and will be ready for its first mow early next week.
Change of Secondary Drop-off / Pick-up Zone
As of Wednesday 15th May the gate for Secondary Students who arrive by car will be in Emu Parade. There will be a staff member on duty at the gate. The new gate is very close to Room 25-27 and will be easy access to the other classrooms. Please help by preparing your child for a new entry gate.