CEPS Kids are Friendly Kids

This term we are working on RESPECT

and next week we are looking at

I can look after property

Around our school, our home and the homes of our friends there are many things we use that make our life more enjoyable. At home it may be the television, the stereo or the computer, at school it may be sports equipment, art materials or some of the play equipment in the yard.  Whatever we use, we need to look after, not just for ourselves but because others like to use these things as well. 

Respecting another person’s property is another way to show that you are a friendly kid.  If someone brings along something to school to share, make sure that you treat it with the same respect that you would if it were your own property. Always ask to use someone else’s property. 

Respecting property means making sure we put it back where it belongs. It means treating it carefully, cleaning up after ourselves and leaving the equipment just as we would like to find it. It means sharing equipment so that others enjoy it as well. 

Respecting property also means we respect all the property of others even when these things may not mean much to us. One child’s special toy may not mean much to us but it does mean a lot to them. We need to respect this.