Community News 

Basketball Ballarat Term 2 Community Programs


Basketball Ballarat provide children with a fun and safe basketball experience that will serve as an introduction to a lifetime involvement in the game. A wide variety of introduction to basketball programs are ran by Basketball Ballarat, allowing children to start learning basketball as young as 2 years old.


Basketball Ballarat’s introduction to basketball programs:

•              Aussie Hoops – perfect for children aged 4 – 11 years 

•              All Abilities Rookie Hoops – perfect for children aged 5 – 18 years whom are living with a disability 

•              Mini Miners – perfect for kindergarten aged children, 2 – 4 years

•              Next Level – suited for domestic players 2011-2013 born 


Registrations are now open for all community hoops programs, with the programs starting the week beginning May 6th

For more information and to register: Community – Ballarat Basketball


For further details please contact Zack Cummins via email or call reception on (03) 5338 1220 


Message from the Ballarat Historical Society

Ballarat Heritage Week Involvement


As everyone associated with Dana Street knows, Nathan Spielvogel is a beloved former leader of this school. Nathan was also the founder and first president of the Ballarat Historical Society. (BHS)

Over the weekend of 18th & 19th May, during Heritage Week, the BHS will be holding an exhibition of photos in the Barkly Square Community Hall. Part of the exhibition will be a colouring corner where visitors can colour a sketch of an early Ballarat building. The sketches have been based on drawings originally done by Nathan Spielvogel. 

To help promote this event, Dana Street pupils were invited to colour in copies of a caricature of Nathan Spielvogel and these colourful images will be used to decorate the exhibition space. Thank you to all the pupils who have already completed their colouring sheets. They look amazing! Please come along with your children to see them and our other displays and enjoy colouring your own sketch of a historic Ballarat building. 

The BHS values its historic links to your school and is looking forward to welcoming pupils, teachers and parents from the school to view our exhibition in May. 

Details: Community Hall, Barkly Square, 18th & 19th May 10:00 am – 3:00 am.

Marion Littlejohn, President Ballarat Historical Society. 


We are hosting a Seasonal Satellite Foundation event on the 4th of May 2024 from 11am to 2pm, at the Doug Dean Stadium (Doug Dean Reserve in Delacombe).  


Unleash your creative powers at our Superhero crafternoon, with lots of superhero themed creative fun and sausage sizzle .

Parents, please note that children will need to remain under parental supervision at all times during the event.