Mathematics at Dana St Primary School

The students at Dana St are exposed to rich Mathematical instruction every day. Students are taught concepts in the classroom that can be used in everyday life. Ask your child what they learned in Mathematics this week and ask them to apply these skills in games, the household or when you are out and about!


Foundation unit: Throughout week 2 and 3 Foundation students will be developing the skills to confidently identify, copy, continue, describe and create repeating patterns. Beginning with identifying repeating patterns in the school environment, students build on this learning to describe simple pattern rules and use these rules to help them continue a pattern. Students then have the opportunity to create their own repeating patterns using objects, shapes and sound.

Grade 1/2 unit: In Numeracy, the Grade 1/2 students have been exploring skip counting. They have been playing games and mastering their ability to skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s from any given number. Over the next two weeks, they will be exploring money. They will look at purchasing different food combinations to have in their lunch boxes and calculating the cost. Later in the term, we are also exploring length, chance, shapes and different ways to represent data. It will be an action packed term full of many hands-on activities and lots of fun!

Grade 3/4 unit: In Maths this term, we have been exploring multiplication. Students have been learning about effective strategies to solve a range of multiplication facts. They have enjoyed challenging their thinking through a range of games and activities. The Grade 3/4 students have also become data collectors and displayed a range of data on exercise and healthy eating. We used technology to help us display individual data through pie graphs and bar graphs.

Grade 5/6 unit: In Grade 5/6, we have commenced the term with a unit on BIDMAS. Bracket, Indices, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. Students learned the order of operations to calculate equations correctly. There have been some complex equations constructed and solved, highlighting the students thorough understanding. Following this unit, we will commence an investigation that will carry for the remainder of the term. In the investigation, we will cover angles, fractions, representing data, money and calculating percentages and discounts. The students can’t wait to get stuck in!