
We have hit the ground running with literacy this term!  Our sensational students have segued seamlessly into a new term of rich literacy tasks.  Here is a snapshot of what is currently happening across the school:


The Foundation students are learning their next sequence of sounds, including ff, ll and ss.  They are also working hard to be able to write their own ideas into a narrative text.


The 1-2 unit has been busy making text to world connections.  They are also writing odes to their favourite foods which links in wonderfully with their Inquiry topic for this term.


In the 3-4 area, you will see students meticulously studying picture story books.  This has helped intrigue and inspire the students as they delve into the composition of their own stories this week.


In the 5-6 unit, students have been exploring explanations by analysing how and why different events occur when writing.  During Reading, students have been focusing on summarising what they have read.


We are looking forward to a rich term of literacy learning!