Term Planner & Reminder Information

 NEW  |Parent Term 2 2024 Calendar Planner

Key reminders for events & activities happening throughout the term. 


Performing Arts Incursion | Monday 29th April

A reminder that on Monday 29th April all classes will participate in a Performing Arts incursion featuring a live theatre performance at school. Permission and payment of $5 is needed to cover the cost of this special event. 

Could all parent/guardians please ensure you have provided permission and payment via Sentral, or by contacting the school office (ballarat.ps.dana@education.vic.gov.au) 


                                                                         Thank you. Claudine - Performing Arts teacher.


Payment Options on Permission Slips 

Overwhelmingly, SENTRAL is providing the school with an excellent platform to coordinate the administrative needs of a busy school and effectively communicate with our families. 

Thank you for your continued patience while we learn and overcome challenges within SENTRAL. 


Frequently Asked Question| 

FAQ 1 | I have given consent for my child to attend an activity, and indicated to pay by via CSEF , B'Pay or Bank Account - why does it show "Requiring Action" ?  


We are currently working through IT issues preventing smooth communication between SENTRAL and Cases21 (Government software).  


What does this mean for you? 


If you have indicated payment for Activities via CSEF , B'Pay , School Account,  there will be a delay in the notice changing from "Requiring Action" to PAID.  Be assured that your payment preference has been received. At present, we are required to make these changes manually. We are working to have this process smoothed out as quickly as possible. 


"Requiring Action" on your SENTRAL Activity Permission will not prevent you from SUBMIT of Consent forms. 


If you are paying via SENTRAL Pay (Direct Debit/Credit Card) there is no delay in PAID being applied to your child's Activity.  


FAQ 2 | I wish to contribute $15 to the Japanese Day Voluntary Contribution - but wasn't given an option of BPay or School Account credit?


Due to the behind the scene set glitch, the Japanese Day payment request for $15 didn't show the ability to choose how you could pay ie. BPay or School Account  Credit - only Sentral Pay showed as an option. 

 If you wish to contribute $15 via B'Pay or use your school account credit , please send a short email to ballara.ps.dana@education.vic.gov.au confirming we can use these funds for Japanese Day. 


With the Arts Showcase voluntary contribution of $25 coming out shortly we hope to iron out the behind the scene gremlins to ensure a smooth transaction. 


NB: CSEF cannot be used for voluntary contributions. 

Student-Led Conferences|  Wednesday 26th June 

No students to attend school.

Students are encouraged to attend the conference with their parent/s and carers.

Bookings will be released via SENTRAL closer to the date. 

School Times 


Nb: Supervision time begins at 8:30am and finishes at 3:45pm. Where possible, we appreciate you understanding that our staff are busy in the mornings preparing for the day. Students will not be actively supervised outside of these times.                                    Students must sit in the office area.

Students are not permitted to play on oval/playground before 8:30am

8:45amRecommended time for students to arrive to settle into classrooms. Classroom door open.



Bell rings. 

Attendance is taken, submitted into SENTRAL 

10:00amUnexplained messages sent to parents 

11:00 - 

11.30 am




Eating Lunch  



3:30pm End of Day | Students dismissed
3:45pmFinal Bell | Students remaining on school grounds must return to office.
4:00pmSchool Office closes


Assembly is held each Friday from 9am - 9:30am in the Spielvogel Multipurpose Centre.

2024 Term Dates

Term 1, 2024

Wednesday 31st January 2024 (Grade 1-6)

Thursday 1st February 2024 (Foundation) - Thursday 28 March 

Term 2, 2024Monday 15 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3, 2024Monday 15 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4, 2024Monday 7 October - Friday 20 December