Student Wellbeing


At Greenhills Primary School, we take pride in the rich tapestry of our school community, where every child’s unique talents and perspectives are celebrated and fostered. We have an unwavering commitment to embracing neurodiversity. This is a cornerstone of our educational philosophy that intentionally celebrates the beautiful variations in how our children's brains function.


Neurodiversity encompasses a spectrum of brain functions and differences, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and beyond. Rather than viewing these differences as deficits, we recognise them as invaluable aspects that shape how our children perceive and engage with the world around them.


In our classrooms, we prioritise amplifying each child's strengths and passions while providing the tailored support necessary for their success. By fostering an inclusive environment where every child feels valued and empowered, we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging and acceptance for all, regardless of their neurodiversity.


As parents, you are integral partners in nurturing a culture of understanding and respect. By instilling in our children a deep appreciation for diversity and an eagerness to celebrate differences, we collectively create a community where every individual feels embraced, respected, and cherished.


Together, let's continue to cultivate a learning environment where every child can thrive, grow, and fully realise their boundless potential.        

Janine and Brad.