Physical Education

Oh term two, how busy you are and how quickly your days are flying past (you’re a long term, so the quickness might be a good thing) Our PE sessions are pretty jam-packed at the moment with Years 3-6 getting in as much athletics training as possible. We’ve been having a great time with the high jump equipment we’re borrowing, there’s some real potential in there (and some potential stunt people in our midst!!) Next Thursday 30th May is our school Athletics Carnival which will run over the morning. Students are (as always) being encouraged to get in there and try their very best and regardless if the end result is a ribbon or some true self-pride then we all win.
Year 1/2s have just finished their Indoor Hockey unit and I have to say, the improvement in both skills and game concept has been amazing. I’m so impressed with the rigour and commitment these kids have shown throughout the unit with it really being on display during our rather competitive final games. Next week, we’re going to start our unit on Aussie Rules footy with some umpiring skills and drills thrown in there.
The Preps continue to bring the joy and the dance moves! We’re continuing to work on a range of fine and gross motor skills which allows us to play a range of games and use a range of equipment, including hula hoops, parachutes, balloons, tennis balls and mini beanbags. Next term we will begin to focus on a particular sport……gymnastics!! However, this time, I will not be demonstrating a forward roll as I still haven’t recovered from doing one for the 1/2s last year (seriously, if you haven’t done a forward roll as an adult, try it out before you judge me. Horrendous!)
Hanging Rock Cross Country was a massive success in Week 4 with four LPS students competing in Castlemaine last week. Brilliant efforts by all runners, including Finley (2nd), Teddy (9th), Ayla (9th) and Kaylee (14th). The top 12 progress through to the Regionals in St Arnaud’s next week. Good luck to the three of you!
Thanks everyone & good luck on your forward rolls!
PE & Health teacher