Year 1/2

National Simultaneous Storytime
On Wednesday 22nd March 1/2 students participated in National Simultaneous Storytime, listening to the story Bowerbird Blues. It is held annually and every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. After listening to the story, students went on to learn more facts about Bowerbirds and created a nest using the blue items they had brought in. Students were fascinated by the way these birds mimic sounds around them and engaged enthusiastically with the nest making. I’m sure you will be very proud of the efforts they put into this.
Pollination Virtual Incursion
To tie in with World Bee Day, on Thursday, all Year 1 and 2 students participated in a Pollination Virtual Incursion, where they investigated the work of bees in building a healthy environment. Students were shown a number of insects and noticed their adaptations and body parts, honing in on the honeybee. Students used pipe-cleaners, pepper, balloons, cotton balls and other materials to build a bee model, using it to investigate how friction and forces help bees to gather pollen. They also considered the relationships between plants and animals, in particular, the roles that bees play in our everyday life. Students were absolutely buzzing!