
We have hit week 6 of the term and the obligatory cooler weather coughs, sniffles and splutters have descended upon the rooms. Please ensure your child has enough warm clothes to be comfortable when they are outside having a play.
In English we have been busy writing opinions. The kids have been learning that opinions are what a person thinks and whilst you can agree with someone’s opinion it doesn’t make it right or wrong. This week the kids took great joy in writing their opinion about some of the teachers. Our reading focus has been around fluency and starting to sound like a person and not a robot. Reading rate is an important milestone in a child’s reading journey and ensuring that they can read at the correct pace is vital.
In Maths we have been looking at measurement and over the course of the past few weeks we have been checking to see which object is heavier, lighter or longer. The kids really enjoyed the hands-on nature of this maths topic. We are currently looking at addition and subtraction. These concepts are introduced as joining or separating groups of objects. At this stage there is no discussion or use of the maths symbols (+ and -).