School Captain News 

Term 3 Week 2

What's happening Week 3 Term 3

  • 5B &5D Aquarium Sealife Excursion on  Tuesday
  • 1C & 1D ACMI Excursion on Wednesday
  • 5A & 5C Aquarium Sealife Excursion on Thursday
  • Prep mass at 9.15 am Thursday
  • Pyjama Day on Friday

Joke time!

Answer at the bottom of the page

Why did the old man fall in the well?


Pyjama Day

As we have mentioned multiple times, we will host Pyjama Day on Friday the 2nd of August. If you choose to wear your pyjamas, dressing gown or an oodie you must bring a gold coin as a donation, which will be donated to The Pyjama Day Foundation. If you would like to donate to the foundation personally, here is the link for our school: Thanks to those who have already donated, much appreciated. 


Link: National PJ Day Donations




100 Days of Prep! 

On Wednesday, it was the preps 100th day of school! Their day started with a parade and they had a disco with their buddies and a series of fun activities throughout the day. They had a blast dressing up as old people! They all had amazing outfits, and we would all like to congratulate them on this accomplishment. We are sure that they have learnt heaps so far this year.  We thank them for being amazing students and we congratulate them all!










Yard Slips Winners

This Week's yard slip winners are: Talar from 2C and Adalena from 1C for being responsible.  Amazing job to the students who won!


Behaviour Bucks

This week's Behaviour Buck winners are:

Juniors: 1A with 35 points

Seniors: 6B with 36 points

Congratulations to the classes who won, enjoy your reward.



Kindness Award

This week, we have two kindness award winners, and they go to Hanna and Kaira from 3B! They received the kindness awards for being kind to the earth, by picking up heaps of rubbish around the school and putting it in the bin. Keep up the good work and continue being kind!


Awards will be given out at the next assembly!


Answer to the joke!

Because he couldn’t see that well!



Cruz, Ivy. Amelia and Lesra