Parish News

DIVINE KIDS is a Catholic organization based in Melbourne, dedicated to helping children and teenagers engage with the Bible. Through our programs, children come to know Christ and their own faith story. We aim to equip them to grow spiritually by teaching them how to learn and apply the Word of God in their lives. My name is Lavina, and I have the privilege of leading this beautiful mission of serving youngsouls for Jesus.
We will be commencing our Sunday Bible Classes for Children and Teens (ages 5 to 15) from 14 July at St. Agatha's Church, Cranbourne. These classes will be held every Sunday (during school term) from 10 am to 10.45 am.
Parents interested in enrolling their children in these classes, please complete the enrolment form on the parish website or follow the link
We are also looking for a few parents who are willing to help, either by teaching or providing support. All necessary resources will be provided. If you are inspired to join us in our mission and serve these young souls for the glory of God, please send me an email at or contact the parish office.
FATIMA TO LOURDES PILGRIMAGE: Mary and the Saints Pilgrimage from the Anniversary celebrations in Fatima, through Avila, Santo Domingo de Silos, Loyola, Lourdes and Montserrat. Accompanied by Fr Denis O’Bryan Commencing Monday 10 September 2024, 10 nights, 11 days. Bookings and enquiries harvest Journeys 1800 819 156 or
7TH AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC MIGRANT AND REFUGEEOFFICE NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2024: 18-19 July 2024Welcoming Seasonal Workers in Australia: Gif andResponsibility. ACU
VFL MEETING: Once a Month on Tuesday at 10.30am inProvidence House. We welcome any new members wishingto join us as a Voice for Life.