Principal's News

Courage, Faith, Love
Dear parents and friends of St Agatha's Primary School,
Welcome to Term Three! It was so lovely to see all the students return so settled on Monday. Winter has certainly arrived and I reminded the students at our assembly to go to the lost property to find their jumpers if they were misplaced last term. If any family are in need of winter uniform please contact the office to find out when the second hand uniform shop is opened. The uniform that is stocked in our second hand shop is excellent and very reasonably priced.
You may have noticed that our Courtyard Garden has now been completed. It looks fabulous with the Australian native plants and the beautiful design that incorporates the (not so) dry creek bed, picnic tables, chess board and 'yarning' circle. The students have enjoyed getting to know the space and learning how to respect the beautiful new area. Big thank you to the school community for raising the funds for this initiative through our Colour Run that was held last year. On behalf the students and staff I would like to say thank you to the families who gave generously to support the school for this.
Staff involved in Deep Dialogue to enhance Catholic Identity
This week, the staff set off on a professional learning day at the Jewish Museum, Jewish Synagogue and the Ark Centre in Hawthorn East. This day was spent in dialogue and deep listening to further our knowledge of the Jewish traditions. In this kind of Interreligious Dialogue we learn more about our Catholic Faith and strengthen our beliefs in God and Jesus Christ. Each of the staff who participated in this day were able to reflect personally on their own spiritual journey and develop knowledge of the rituals and traditions that have helped to shape the Catholic Religion.
NAPLAN results
This week the students in Year 3 and Year 5 received their NAPLAN results. I would like to congratuate each student who participated in this national testing on their excellent results and efforts. We have seen some pleasing growth from past years and we will use the students' collective results to assist us when planning for school improvement.
Learning Conversations
Learning Conversations are to be held in Week 2. These are an opportunity for parents with their children to come along and reflect on the learning of their children in Semester One and to seek an understanding of the learning that will take place in Semester Two. I encourage all parents to take up this opportunity to make a time on PAM to meet with their child's teacher. Thank you to the classroom teachers who will stay back after their working day to meet with parents and students. It is a testiment to the committment you have for the students in your classrooms.
Student Broadband Intiative
Children who can access online learning at home as part of their education are more likely to engage in classroom activities. With broadband internet access your family will be able to access fast internet at home, which supports children to build their digital skills, learn how to safely use the internet and participate in a world that is more dependent on digital technology. There is still time to sign up for the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI):
- For any families signing up now, this offer means free internet until 31 December 2025.
- For families who have already connected with SSBI, their free internet will automatically be rolled over until 31 December 2025.
Check your eligibility for free nbn broadband until the end of 2025 now: Contact the National Referral Centre on 1800 954 610 (Mon – Fri, 10am – 6pm AEDT) or visit
Free Parent Information Session about children with Autism
On Friday 26th July in Clyde North from 10:30am - 11:30am there is a free educational session about ‘Life skills and increasing independence with everyday living.’ There will be great strategies and tips for families and parents to support their children.
Please see all information regarding this wonderful opportunity in the flyer attached.
Congratuations to Mrs Megan Ami who welcomed her baby girl into the world on Monday 15th July. Indiana and Megan are doing well.
I will be going on Long Service Leave from Friday 26th July till Sunday 29th September. I will be travelling overseas with my family. Meegan Blackney will be acting as Principal in my absence and Nicola Sievers will act as Deputy Principal. I know that the school will be in good hands while I am away and I look forward to returning.
Don't forget that this Friday 19th July and Friday 26th July the school will be closed.
Warm regards,
Michelle Bruitzman