From the Principal

Mr. Paul Aikman


Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Learning. 

Staff, students and parents are encouraged to ensure we all operate and conduct our business at school according to these core values that were established by various members of our school community for the school community throughout the school review process in 2019.


Key focus areas for Donald High School in 2024


As part of our Annual Implementation Plan, and as part of the findings from our school review this year, our school has identified a number of key priorities we will be focussing on in 2024. These include:

  1. Striving for improvements in Literacy and Numeracy with a particular focus on Reading and Writing.
  2. Re-focussing our teaching staff to teach according to our Donald High School Instructional Model and re-focussing classroom behavioural and learning expectations. 
  3. Using data to inform our teaching and learning for improved student outcomes with a focus on teaching students to their point of need.
  4. Using student voice as a source of feedback inside and outside the classroom with a view to improving student engagement and connectedness; and
  5. Striving for improvements in student mental health and wellbeing, and engagement and connectedness at school through specialist programs and support.

There is also an expectation of all students to ensure they continue to grow and develop as learners, and for staff to continue to strive for improvement in themselves and the students.




Many of our Year 10 students (and some of our Year 11 students who did not get a chance to go on last year’s Snow Camp because of the landslide) took off on this year’s trip to Mount Bogong Camp and Fall’s Creek Snowfields on Monday 22nd July. This year, our students and staff attended the camp with students and staff from Hopetoun P-12 College. There was much excitement about the trip, with all the students and staff looking forward to what promised to be a great week in very good conditions. Fall’s Creek had 1200mm of snow fall the week prior to the camp in the very cold conditions, and the week of the camp was better weather that was at times ideal for skiing. All the students I have spoken to about the camp had an enjoyable experience and want to return to the snow at some stage in the future. Thanks to Mr. Cashin and Mrs. Griffiths for organising, coordinating, and supervising on this camp from our school. 




Our school held our annual House Athletics carnival on Wednesday 7th August in bright sunny conditions. It was pleasing to see all the students participating to the best of their ability in the variety of running, jumping and throwing events throughout the day. Well done to all our winners and placegetters on the day in the various events. There were some very fine performances on the day, with a number of students qualifying for the North Central District Athletics carnival in Charlton on Friday 16th August (next week). Thanks to all the staff and House Captains and Vice-Captains that ensured the day ran smoothly, particularly to Mr. Cashin who organised and coordinated the day. We wish all the students that have made it through to the next level, all the very best for next week when they get to represent our school. 




All students in Years 7 – 10 have been reflecting on their reading, through completing a reflective writing task on the reading they have completed so far this term at the start of period 6 each day in reading time. These students will complete 5 reading sessions and then 1 writing reflection every 6 sessions in reading time to ensure students are understanding and accountable for their reading. We are hoping this new process will assist students to better understand and comprehend some of the words within and the overall books they are reading and ultimately lead to better learning outcomes for our students.




A reminder to all parents that have received an invitation to participate in this year’s Parent Opinion Survey, to please complete this survey by Friday 30th August. Whilst participation is voluntary, the Department of Education encourages all invited parents to participate, as the results of the survey are used to identify areas of strength the school has, as well as identifying areas and ways for improvement for our school. The survey should only take you 20 – 30 minutes. The survey is open from Monday 29th July and is open for responses until Friday 30th August.




Our Year 11 Physical Education class is running a Year level Volleyball Competition at lunchtimes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There is no cost to enter and you could win some great prizes at the end of the competition. Teams must be year level specific or staff and have at least 6 members (at least 2 from each gender) to take the court. Students are asked to please nominate their teams with Toby Smith by Friday 9th August (this week). The competition will begin at lunchtime on Monday 12th August (next week).




It has been encouraging to see our Energy Breakthrough teams starting to take shape with many meetings being held and trainings being organised in preparation for the event in late November. The team have raised over $7000 towards a new trike through sponsorship, so a big thank you to our local businesses and sponsors who have contributed to this for our students. Thank you also to Karen Medlyn who has been driving this program from the middle of Term 2 this year. I look forward to seeing the fruits of everyone’s work, time and effort later in the year.




Can parents and students please take note of the graphic below. Last year we had too many of our students missing over 15 days of school (some students over 20 days). Some students this year have already had over 15 unexplained absences (half or full days). Everyone should be prioritising education and learning for all our students. The more time students spend at school, the greater the outcomes for their learning. All Year 7 – 12 students are expected to be at school for the whole day on a ‘normal’ school day. The only exceptions are for illness, medical appointments, or a family bereavement. Parents are encouraged to adhere to these guidelines for their child’s attendance.

I am available to talk to people at the school to assist you with any enquiries if required and can be contacted to make an appointment or have a discussion on Ph. (03) 5497 1205.

Paul Aikman.