Parents & Friends

Dear all,
How good is Australia going in the Olympic Games. I'm getting tired staying up late watching it, but am very happy with our results.
Don't forget Friday 2nd August we have our 'Green and Gold Day', so get your children ready in these colours and bring along a gold coin donation.
Italian Day is on Tuesday 6th August and this year is a little different as the children will be making their own pizzas. So exciting! The children can come dressed in the Italian colours green, white and red. It will a fun filled day.
This year's Movie Night is on Thursday 22nd August and will be hosted by the Year 5’s and Year 6’s. The theme will be "RUG UP". Children can wear comfy and warm clothes, pj’s or an oodie. Please drop off all children by 5:30pm sharp and pick up will be 7:30pm. We will be showing two films, 'TROLLS BAND TOGETHER' rated PG and 'THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE' rated PG. You will also need two bring along a water bottle. It's $12 per child and they will receive a slice of pizza, popcorn and a treat. Tickets go on sale tonight at 6pm and closes on 18th August 2024. So start booking your tickets so you don’t miss out.
SAVE THE DATE for Fathers Day Breakfast will be on Friday 30th August at 7:30am. Year 1 and Year 2’s will be hosting and more details will be in the next newsletter. In the meantime we are seeking donations for the raffle tickets so if you have anything to donate please leave them in the office, its greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Lastly we are getting ready for our Major Fundraiser which will be a MET GALA themed from our children's Art Show this year on Friday 13th September. If you would like to be part of the committee to help organize this amazing event please click link the link below and I will be in touch with you soon.
On behalf of the P&F have a lovely weekend.
Kind Regards