Around the School

LIBRARY NEWS (Mrs Katherine Reade)
Hello! I am very excited to be back in the library in Term 3.
Great to see most are remembering that (in my opinion) the best day of the week is Tuesday - LIBRARY day!! This means they are bringing in their library bags, returning books and then being able to borrow more! It is a joy to be able to talk with the different classes about what they like to read as well as encouraging and recommending something a little different. I love how excited the students are about the library. I am getting a lot of requests from students "do you have??" it is my favourite question.
Book Club
A final reminder that 'Book Club - issue 5' is available online and closes tomorrow Friday 2nd August. This issue you are able to spend your voucher from issue 4. Issue 6 will be out later in this Term and catalogs will be sent home in school bags.
Book Week
Book Week is almost upon us, we are looking forward to having our very own Book Store here at school. Book Week commences on Monday 19th August and more details will follow about the fair.
Book Donations
If you are having a clear out of children books at home and are looking to donate, please consider donating to the school library. I promise to give them a good home! You can email me before dropping off at the school to check if the books are appropriate
Thank you and happy reading - Katherine!