Junior School

Year 7+8

Term 3 Update

All Shook Up Production Camp

Our Junior School students are amongst the cast and crew busily preparing for our upcoming school production this month. Last week 47 students attended a three day camp where they attended a performance of Beauty and the Beast at Her Majesty's Theatre. Tickets are now available, please support our College production of "All Shook Up".


Year 8 into 9 Curriculum Expo & Course Counselling

Next week our Year 8s will begin their subject selection process with the Curriculum Expo occurring on Thursday 8th August. Our Year 8 students can start looking through the Year 9 Handbook to take a look at the elective program options that suit them best. Students can pop into the Junior School to ask specific questions at any time or we can direct students to the stalls for specific subject teacher advice at the Expo on Thursday. This will occur during class time for students, however the Expo will also be open to families after school from 3.30-5.30pm. 


Junior School Tasmania Camp Nov 18-21 2024 - Update

Currently we have 31 Year 8 students who will be attending the Tasmania camp and we would like to offer the remaining 19 places to our Year 7 students. This year will be the last in which we will offer the elective Tasmania Camp to our junior school students. From next year, we plan to have a Victorian based elective camp for Year 8s in its place.  


Please find the program itinerary, dates and costs below for you to consider as a family. If your child is keen to be considered for this opportunity, please complete the attached Expression of Interest form and submit it online by this Monday 5th August.


Expressions of interest: 

  • A key part of this process involves students explaining in 25 words or less why they should be selected to attend the Tasmania camp in November, 2024.
  • Please be mindful that regular classes will continue for the duration of the week at school.
  • Students will be notified if they have been successful in their application by the end of Week 4 (Friday 9th August). 
  • The cost of the camp is $1325.
  • A full payment or a payment plan option is available, however a non-refundable deposit of $395 must be made by the end of August once your child has been offered a place on the camp. 
  • Please see the compass post from 31/7 in your families news feed for the full itinerary and inclusions.
  • If you or your child have any questions, please contact Rachel Collins in the Junior School. 

The Junior School Team.

Celebrating Success

We have loved celebrating our high achieving students across our Junior School this week during our Semester One Principal Awards. Thank you to all of our students and families for working hard all semester. 

Term 3 Key Dates

4Thu 8 AugCurriculum Expo - Y8 Students 
Fri 9 AugStudent-free Day 
5Mon 12 AugY7 Science Incursion - period 1 

Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Jenny Richards on 9091 8136


For all absences for medical reasons please submit a medical certificate to Junior School, this ensures the attendance percentage will be approved.


All family holidays during term time are unapproved school absences. 

Please fill in the attached form if this is applicable to your family and update Compass absence details accordingly. https://forms.office.com/r/q7nnA3nqcD


Students are responsible for catching up on any missed work and assessments and may be required to stay after school to ensure this work is completed prior to the 14 June deadline.


All enquiries related to missed class work should be directed to classroom teachers via Compass.