Wellbeing Awards
Presented to Foundation - Year 5 Students at School Assembly
Friday, 19th August @ 2.45pm
Mia H - FJR - For always filling buckets with her kind and caring nature!
Harvey R - FMH - For always trying his hardest and believing in himself.
Eleanor QH - FAM - For making such a positive start to school at OGPS. Keep up the great work Eleanor!
Eddie B - FMK - For his positive attitude towards school and always putting in his best effort to everything he does. Well done Eddie!
Alfie K - FJC - for being a superstar listener, a helpful classmate and you continue to try your best every day. Keep it up, Alfie!
Archie G - 1LP - For showing a positive attitude towards his learning, always trying his best and being a kind and respectful classmate! You should be so proud Archie!
Laura B - 1AW - For an excellent start to Term 3. You have come back ready to learn and have fun collaborating with your peers, well done Lara!
Lani B - 1GL - For always being kind to others and helping out in the classroom.
Skyla M - 1JE - For her positive attitude & enthusiasm towards her learning this week. What a great start to the term!
Mila R - 2AG - For wonderful curiosity and commitment.
Zoe F - 2JM - For being a resilient learner and always accepting new challenges.
Kerry Z - 2MS - For always being a kind and helpful member of 2MS and a focused listener.
Billie R - 2JE - For always showing outstanding behaviour and kindness.
Isal S - 3NK - For her outstanding effort and achievements at athletics days. Well done Isla!
Finn Lappe - 3PC - For making extreme growth in English.
Eadie P - 3MP - For demonstrating increasing confidence in sharing her ideas with the class, as evidenced by her excellent oral presentation.
Olive K - 4RB - For her bravery and persistence when she faces a challenge.
Miller B - 4LB - For a brilliant start to Term 3 and making the most of every learning opportunity.
Sonny C - 4SE - For his positive and resilient attitude during Year 4 Camp.
Ned R - 4JH - Ned Richards for his confidence and commitment towards his learning this term.
Hugh M - 5CC - For being a superstar role model for others and he is always polite, caring and a great friend!
Sylvie M - 5FI - For always using her manners and being ready to learn during class activities.
Raff T - 5SB - For being a kind and compassionate classmate.
Matilda P - 5CM - For always being a wonderful friend to her peers, making sure no one is left out.