
The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence has a new name—Bullying No Way: National week of action.
Bullying No Way Week, 12 to 16 August 2024, is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative and connects schools and communities to find workable solutions to prevent bullying.
The week gives schools and supporters flexibility to plan activities that suit their schedule—whether it's spreading awareness throughout the week or focusing on an impactful day or two.
Last week our SEL lesson focussed on Bullying.
2024 theme
The theme for 2024 is 'Everyone belongs'.
When we all feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place. It's about embracing who we are, respecting everyone's differences and standing up together against unkindness.
Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. We're encouraged to speak up and create a safe place where everyone feels supported and respected, and our voices are heard and valued.
In our SEL groups last week the children in Prep -2 read a story called Chrysanthemum that addressed the topic of bullying. The focus was asking the children to reflect on how the person being left and bullied would feel. The children created “kindness coupons” to give to someone who is feeling sad or left out.
In the Yr 3-6 year levels, the students viewed a powerpoint presentation about bullying. Defining bullying as:
Bullying is when someone:
- keeps picking on you again and again and tries to make you feel bad
- says or does lots of mean things that upset you
- makes fun of you a lot
- tries to stop you from joining in or make others not like you
- keeps hurting you such as hitting or punching you. Bullying feels awful. You feel like you can’t stop it.
- Bullying can happen in person or online.
- It might be something people can see or it might be hidden.
What bullying is not …
Sometimes you might have a fight or an argument with someone. If it happens once, it is not bullying, even though it can be upsetting.
It is also not bullying if you sometimes fight with a friend and you can sort it out.
Some tips such as
Students then made a chatterbox to reinforce their learning.
For further information on our St Anne’s Bullying policy please see our school website.
These definitions outline key characteristics and have been taken from Student Wellbeing Hub https://studentwellbeinghub.edu.au/resources-and-help/Glossary?origin-host=www.safeschoolshub.edu.au#/
From the Wellbeing Team.
Kristie Browning Wellbeing Leader
Lindy Brown MHiPS Leader
Jade Salpietro Prep -Yr 3 Learning Diversity Leader jsalpietro@sasunbury.catholic.edu.au
Sue Sexton Yr 4- Yr 6 Learning Diversity Leader