Lindy Burke

Level 3 Alexandra Adventure Camp


Welcome back to our Level 3 students who headed off to the Alexandra Adventure Camp on Monday. By all accounts the kids have had an amazing time challenging themselves with the Giant Swing, A mighty Flying Fox, the High Ropes course, Archery, Low Ropes and much more. It sure sounded like a fun time, all have come back very tired and totally exhausted… including the staff! I bet they are all looking forward to the weekend to recharge.



100 Days of Prep


Yesterday, our Prep students celebrated a significant milestone – 100 days in Prep! Wow, how time flies! The excitement was palpable as our young learners marked the occasion with a special celebration.

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the creative costumes. Our Prep students dressed up as 100-year-olds, complete with grey hair, glasses, and walking sticks. It was heart warming and hilarious to see their imaginative interpretations of what it means to be a centenarian. The day was filled with fun activities designed to celebrate the number 100. Students participated in various counting games, crafts, and even a special “100 Days” parade. The teachers also joined in the fun, sporting their own “old” costumes and leading the activities with enthusiasm. The event was a fantastic opportunity for our students to reflect on their learning journey so far. It was evident that they have grown in so many ways since the start of the year, and the 100th-day celebration was a wonderful way to acknowledge their hard work and progress. A big thank you to all the parents and staff who helped make this day so special. Here’s to the next 100 days and beyond!






Nothing better than some gorgeous baby photos. Meet Little Nora (2 weeks old). Congratulations to Tameka Branch and her partner Ryan on the safe arrival of little Nora.

Many would remember Tameka, a classroom teacher and trainee a few years ago and more recently a CRT. We all can't wait to meet her in person.



Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey


The 2024 Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey will be available to complete online from next Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024. Details to access this survey will be sent to families via SENTRAL.

The survey seeks feedback on school climate, community engagement in learning and teaching practices for student engagement and outcomes. Please keep an eye open for details early next week, as we encourage everyone to have their say. Your feedback is important to us.


Our School Value - Respect


“Values such as respect are the seeds from which all behaviour grows.”


Continually the Staff try to impress upon the students the importance of our school values. We do this because we strongly believe that one of the most important things we can teach our students is being respect, being responsible and resilient.  Research clearly shows that students who demonstrate compassion, respect, responsibility, perseverance, initiative, and integrity have parents/mentors who demonstrate these qualities on a regular basis.  The best way for us to teach respect to our students is to show respect. When a student experiences respect, they know what it feels like and begin to understand how important it is.

Respect is a valued attitude. Being respectful helps a student succeed in life. If students don’t have respect for peers, authority, or themselves, it can be difficult for them to succeed.


How can we show respect?

  • Be honest – If you do something wrong, admit it and apologise.
  • Be positive – Don’t embarrass, insult or make fun of others. Compliment them.
  • Be trusting – Make choices and take responsibility.
  • Be fair – Listen to others before reaching a conclusion.
  • Be polite – Use “please” and “thank you”.
  • Be reliable – Keep promises. Show that you mean what you say.
  • Be a good listener – Give others your full attention.
  • Follow the rules.
  • Be caring – Show concern for people, animals and the environment.
  • Avoid poor role models – When you see examples of disrespect, discuss them.
  • Respect yourself. Self-respect is one of the essential forms of respect. Once we appreciate ourselves, it is easier to respect others.