Digital Technologies

Our first St.James STEM Olympics was held two weeks ago. The whole school participated in activities throughout the day.
We opened proceedings with an official Opening Ceremony, with the raising of the Olympic flag, the arrival of the STEM Olympics torch, an athletes oath and officials oath.
Then we were off and running, straight into our activities.
The Prep students had 3 activities for the day. Mini javelin construction and throw, designing an Olympic medal using paper, glue and textas, and Lego building of a structure to carry an Olympic athlete into the arena. Some students even made floating structures ready for the Seine River!
The Year 1 & 2 students had 4 different activities. Creating an Olympic medal with modelling clay, mini javelin construction and throwing, designing an Olympic poster using Google Docs, Slides or Drawing, and a Bluebot maze challenge.
The Year 3 & 4 students had 3 activities. Sphero bullseye, designing an Olympic Mascot using Google Tools or Canva and an Olympic Digital Breakout Room.
The Year 5/6 students had 2 activities. Designing an Olympic Mascot using whatever online tools they liked and and Olympic Digital Breakout Room.
Throughout these activities students were earning points for their house team. Points were awarded based on designs, ingenuity, testing of designs and how successful they were, completing stages of activities and for completing any activity.
Students showed great persistence throughout the day. Particularly the Year 3-6 students when working on the Digital Breakout Rooms. I may have made some locks a little too challenging apparently! The enthusiasm, creativity and teamwork on display was fantastic to see. We had a great number of parents and grandparents come along to watch and encourage the students. Many joining in to assist, or hinder, depending on the level of activity!
We then reassembled at the end of the day for the Closing Ceremony and to announce the winners for the day. In a close contest it was Lyons who had the top podium position followed by Durkhin in 2nd, Coghlan in 3rd and Dillon in 4th position.
Thank you to all who came along to support our day and a big congratulations to our STEM Captains Macy and Will who conducted our Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
We will see you again in four years time.
Any questions or help please email me at
Nadine Jones
E Learning Leader
STEMMS Teacher