Physical Education

Hi Families,
This Term for your diaries:
- Monday 5th August: Division AFL Girls (students that have elected to attend)
- Tuesday 6th August: Division Soccer (selected students)
- Friday 9th August: Division Netball (Mixed/Girls) - (selected students)
- Thursday 22nd August: Year 5 & 6 District Basketball
- Thursday 10th September: District Athletics (for selected students)
Division Sport - Week 4
A huge week of Division sport this week. More updates will be put in the week 6 newsletter.
As I write this our 5&6 Girls are at the Division AFL Finals. They had won 2 games and were about to head into their 3rd. The overall finals winner goes on to the EMR stage in week 5. Watch this space.
Tomorrow our year 6 boys head to Soccer Ballyshannassy Sport Field for their Division Finals and and our year 5&6 boys/girls head to Mullum Mullum for netball division finals. We wish these students the best for their week of sport.
Year 4 District Basketball
Last Thursday our students headed to Dandenong Basketball stadium to play against various schools in our District for a day of basketball fun. While it started off a little frantic with various courts not available due to the freezing cold temperatures and condensation making courts unsafe, we ended tired and buckets full. Our All stars boys basketball team ended up winning our All Stars competition in a nail biting finish. All other teams had a great day, getting as many games in as possible, trying different strategies and hopefully for some, having a better understanding of the game. We thank all of the coaches/score keepers that attended the day. Big shout out goes to Archie and Indie in year 6 for sharing their coaching skills along side Adrian Epifano, Ruwi Perera, Tim and Penny Conduit and all of our year 4 teachers Nikki, Tim and Betty, for their assistance on the day.
Basketball Tops
If all basketball tops used at the District basketball day could please be sent back washed this week as these will be needed to be used with the year 6 students in a couple of weeks. If your student could return them to the table outside my office, this would be greatly appreciated.
Have a great week everyone!
Stay safe, keep active
Catherine Wall
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator