From the Office

News From the Principal
Science at Raywood
On Wednesday of next week we are hosting our Campaspe Small Schools Cluster friends
as part of our annual Science Day Event. Our staff and students will be joined by students (close to 200), from P-6 and their teachers for a full day of science-based activities.
There are no changes to arrangements for our students except for the requirement to bring a packed lunch (due to the sheer number of students we are unable to run the pie warmer on this day).
School Webpage
Have you visited our school webpage recently? This page has lots of information for families and potential new families. All of our newsletters are accessible via this web page and there is a calendar of important events (both of these are on the first page of the website).
You can also click on the links and find our school policies, information about our curriculum programs, student wellbeing information as well general information about our school. Our page can be found at
Whoo Hoo!!
I am absolutely thrilled to announce that we recently found out that we were successful in being awarded two grants related to our new riding track. The first grant was from the Traffic Accident Commission (TAC) and will allow us to purchase safety gear such as helmets, elbow and knee pads. The second grant was from the City of Greater Bendigo and it will allow us to purchase brand new scooters- enough for each student!
We have ordered this equipment and once it arrives we will host an open day and invite our community along for an official opening and riding session.
Term 4 Camps
Year 3/4 Camp
Our Year Three and Four Students will attend Camp Kookaburra at Corop from Wednesday October 16th to Friday October 18th. They will be joined by students and staff from our other five Campaspe Small Schools Cluster. Mr Collins will be in attendance as our school representative and will also be transporting the students to the camp on the Wednesday. (Miss Duffy will visit camp on the Friday and transport the students back to school in the afternoon). All forms and related information about this camp have been forwarded to families. Please ensure you log onto uEducateus to complete the permission form and also return the medical and dietary requirements forms ASAP. If you have any questions about this camp please contact Lisa or Hayden.
Year 5/6 Camp
Our Year Five and Six Students will attend Burnside Camp at Anglesea from Tuesday October 22nd to Thursday October 24th. They will be joined by students and staff from our other five Campaspe Small Schools Cluster. Miss Duffy will be in attendance as our school representative (whilst Mr Collins takes a walk on the wild side and has the P-4 students for a couple of days!). All forms and related information about this camp will be forwarded to families next week. Please ensure you log onto uEducateus to complete the permission form and also return the medical and dietary requirements forms once you have them. A reminder that our departure and return point for this camp is Elmore Primary School. If you have any questions about this camp please contact Lisa or Hayden.
Lisa Absent
I will be taking long service leave for the first week and four days of Term 4. Mr Hayden Collins will be Acting Principal in my absence, whilst Mrs Lynley Lightburn will fill in for my teaching duties from Monday-Wednesday of the first two weeks (with Ms Sarah Roediger in the room as per usual on Thursdays and Fridays). I will be back off leave to pick the Year 3/4 students up from Camp Kookaburra on Friday October 18th and return them to school.
All student learning has been thoroughly planned out and left so that their is no impact on our student's curriculum program during this time.
Father's Day Stall
Our two wonderful Year Six Leaders ran a successful Father's Day Stall on the Friday before Father's Day. The students enjoyed being able to pick out a few small items to gift to their dads. What made it extra-special was that this year they had made their own gift bags in Art, so their was some extra love to be had with this year's gifts.
End of Term
Don't forget Footy Colours Day next Friday. Students are asked to bring along a gold coin donation that will be forwarded to the official Footy Colours Day Charity which aims to fight childhood cancer. Students are invited to wear their favourite footy colours and we will participate in some fun footy-themed activities. A free student lunch will be on offer (footy theme related of course) of party pies, sausage rolls and mini footy-franks.
A reminder that at the end of term we dismiss the students at 2:20pm which means the bus will do the afternoon drop offs, one hour ahead of its usual time.
Please note- the following are Student Free Days for Term 4
- Wednesday October 30th ( Bendigo Cup Day)- we take this day instead of Melbourne Cup Day as we are in the City of Greater Bendigo Shire
- Wednesday December 4th- Teachers will take this day to finalise assessments and write student reports.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy
Message from Bree in the office
Audrey Felini is collecting clean, empty Mini M&M tubes from now until October. If you have any, please send them to school. These will be used for our end of the year Christmas sessions that Audrey runs for our students.