General Information & Reminders

Each week will consist of a literature circle reading and role. Students willl need to ensure they have read up to the agreed page and completed the task associated with their role.
The second focus will be on spelling lists and math activities. These tasks will be explained at school first, students who are absent during explanations need to follow up with their teacher. Our HPS Homework Policy states that homework for 5/6 should not exceed 45 mins on any night.
This term, Friday sport will be dedicated to the familiarisation with Athletics events. Later in the term we will have a house athletics carnival, and students who perform particularly well will be offered the opportunity to represent HPS at an inter-school sport athletics carnival. If your child can not participate in PE due to illness, please send them to school with a signed note that they can give to the PE teacher as emails are not always accessible/read in time for the class.