
Reading   I   Writing   I   Speaking & Listening

Reading - This term we will begin our ‘literature circle’ reading groups, designed to enable students the opportunity to apply the comprehension strategies learned and consolidated in Terms 1 and 2. They will collaborate as a team to analyse the content, themes and language of developmentally appropriate fiction novels. We will also be finishing off our Non-Fiction sequence that started in Term 2 with a study of NAIDOC related readings followed by The Olympics. Our Fiction sequence will then commence with a focus on plot and setting, character and themes that exist in different texts. 

Writing -  This term, our focus will be on continuing to hone our skills in persuasive and narrative writing, with a direct link to our inquiry into sustainability. We will delve into topics that explore the intersection of environmental consciousness and societal impact, aiming to advocate for sustainable practices. Through this exploration, we aim not only to improve our writing proficiency but also to deepen our understanding and engagement with crucial issues affecting our world today.

Spelling and Grammar - In spelling, students will improve fluency through a list of spelling words determined by errors made in writing or assessments. These need to be practised in preparation for a test on Monday of each week. 

Speaking and Listening - Throughout this term, students will continue to have opportunities to enhance their confidence in public speaking, presenting in front of their class, cohort, and during assemblies. These experiences will serve as foundational preparation for our upcoming formal debating program in Term 4.