Principal’s Message

Mrs Claire Ryan

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Week 1's newsletter.


I trust you and your family had a wonderful time during the holidays, spending quality time together, creating long-lasting memories and resting ready for another productive term.


We concluded Term 2 with our 3-Way Learning Conferences, a new process of engaging parents, who play a crucial role, to understand and support their child's learning journey during Semester 1. Mrs Roseby will contact the Kinder, Year 1, and Year 2 parents to reschedule their 3-Way Learning Conferences. 


The Semester 1 Reports were also shared with parents via the Compass portal and should have reflected some of the areas discussed during these conferences. If you have any questions regarding your child's report, please do not hesitate to contact the classroom teacher to discuss further. 


During Week 10 last term, students in Years 3 to Year 6 participated in the Diocesan Living Well, Learning Well Survey. Using a scale of 1(never) to 6 (always), students responded to a series of questions about feeling safe, valued and highly respected as a learner at school. It's important to note that the survey was conducted anonymously, and the results are visualised in the Armidale Catholic Schools Data Ecosystem.


The Diocesan Living Well, Learning Well Survey serves as a crucial tool for gaining a comprehensive understanding of student connection and meaningful participation at school. It enables us to pinpoint both school-specific achievements and challenges, and provides a broader perspective on comparative school data.


Reflecting on the data, I am delighted to share the areas of strength based on our Sacred Heart student responses. These results reflect the positive experiences our students are having at school, and we should all take pride in these achievements.

These results reflect our Annual Improvement Plan's consistent and persistent work to increase the number of students who feel that Sacred Heart School is a safe, productive and inclusive learning community.


Two areas of challenge are:

These areas will be considered within our school for the remainder of 2024 and could become a focus in our 2025 Annual Improvement Plan if they continue to be highlighted as challenges in our Semester 2 Living Well, Learning Well survey results. Our commitment to continuous improvement is unwavering.


Overall, these survey results underscore the students' positive sense of connection to Sacred Heart School in 2024. Our commitment to nurturing this connection will persist, guiding our actions in the coming years.


I look forward to connecting with our families this Friday at our Grandparents' Day Liturgy.


Special mention to Mrs Cheryl Fenton, Mrs Lily Payne, Jaylah and Brayden who celebrate their birthdays this fortnight. We hope you all have a great day!


Wishing everyone a productive and rewarding Week 1!

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.


Warm regards,


Claire Ryan
