


The schedule for our upcoming Term 3 PSG meetings is now ‘live’ for you to view via the Parent Access Module (PAM) app. Please note your scheduled appointment time in your diary as the meetings provide crucial conversations regarding the level of support your child is receiving. If you have difficulty viewing or accessing your scheduled time please feel free to contact the office or myself mantoniadis@hrwhitehills.catholic.edu.au so we can assist you. 


The PSG meetings are a Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD ) requirement for schools, contributing to the evidence needed for the planning and support for your child. Please see the attached note explaining this further.


This week we welcomed Miss Hayley Mildren (CES) as our new leading Speech Pathologist. Hayley will lead the speech pathology program at Holy Rosary attending fortnightly. In addition, Holy Rosary has been allocated an Allied Health Assistant; Nicole Adams who will work on alternate weeks to Hayley to provide weekly speech therapy support within our school. We were able to come together to discuss our students and their level of support as we move forward through Term 3. Both Hayley and Nicole were able to meet with a number of our students to continue their level of support as initiated by Georgia Donat who is now on maternity leave.

-Mandy Antoniadis (Learning Diversity Leader)


Why don't you visit our second hand uniform shop to grab some spare gear?

It has just had a makeover and is full of school pants, shorts and jumpers. Organised in sizes, you can easily find what you're after. Gold coin donation or fill a bag for $5. Proceeds go towards our community care programs. Located near the After School Care room in the Rosarium, donations to the office please.





This term we are introducing some exciting Maths challenges for all to get involved in. Maths is such a fun and interesting subject that has many different elements for everyone to enjoy. It’s not just about numbers and many people have fantastic ways of thinking about Maths in such broad ways.


So to keep things interesting and create some fun family activities, we are going to be posing some Maths challenges in the newsletter each month. These will be for you to enjoy at home, then students will have the opportunity to share their discoveries at school.

Specific instructions will be provided on each activity. Some activities may have prizes, others will be purely for family or class bragging rights!



At Holy Rosary, we are always here to offer any support that we can, whether it be emotional, physical, spiritual or mentally. We can assist with support relating to your child or needs your family may have at the present time. Please reach out to your child’s teacher, the office staff or Jo Thurley (Deputy Principal) at any time!


We may assist with

Practical Help (Meals, groceries etc)

A Listening Ear

School Attendance

General information & advice, with links to outside agencies & community support