

It has been a very fun and active few weeks in Foundation land with lots of new learning occurring.  


Potato/Carrot Olympics 

Foundation classes got to participate in their own Olympic Games activities using potatoes/carrots. Students decorated their vegetable athletes and participated in different games to talk about ordinal numbers, which linked to our Maths lessons. Students also enjoyed watching some clips from the Olympics and talking about the ordinal numbers (first, second and third). 


In Literacy, students have learnt how ow makes the sound /oa/ and ir and ur make the sound /er/. In writing, we have continued to write information reports but this time looking at our favourite sport, and creating our own shops.  



In Numeracy, we have been looking at ordinal numbers. We created medals from 1st to 5th for our Olympic Games and completed activities with ou buddies.  

We have also been working on creating our own shops to tie in with our Inquiry unit of HEPS and beyond, and our community. Students have worked in groups to create items and signs for their shops, play with money, and count forwards and backwards when selling and creating items.