Level 4

Level  4

What a busy few weeks we have had in Level 4!!

Our students have been engaged in the “finding out” and “sorting out” phase of our Inquiry unit. It has been fun sharing our knowledge and mapping our own travel experiences. 

The Olympics have allowed us to tie in our Inquiry unit with the fun of celebrating the achievements of our Aussie athletes. Our students have explored the Olympic values and matched them alongside our HEPS Values of Respect, Resilience, Teamwork and Growth.

We were lucky enough to have a visit from the Hawthorn AFLW girls. They shared their sporting journeys and participated in a fun quiz with the focus on women in sport.


Athletics Day was amazing. We had great weather and experienced really great camaraderie at the track. Thanks to the parents who joined us on the day - you are amazing cheerleaders!

Our students and teachers have been enjoying our Level 4 Sport each Tuesday afternoon. Students have been grouped and rotate through a variety of different games. It is so lovely observing our students working and having fun together.

Last term during Connect groups, our focus was on Student Voice. We asked our students what they would like to see and experience more of this term. The results were interesting. Feel free to come and look at the display in the office foyer. This week our focus will be “Active Games with our Teacher”. There is nothing like a bit of competitive spirit between teachers and students!

Coming up:

Our Writing focus will shift from Explanation writing to Narratives this week.  Our Numeracy focus is Time / Measurement. We have 3 Way conferences and the HEPS Production coming up.

This Friday is a Pupil Free Curriculum Day. 


Thanks for your support. We are all looking forward to finishing off the term strong.