Level 3
Level 3
3GE can’t believe that we are already more than halfway through the school year! We have had a settled start to Term 3.
In our Reading lessons, we have been learning about cause and effect, and how to identify cause and effect signal words. We are also practising our predicting skills when reading fiction texts.
We have been revising narratives in Writing, with a particular focus on character description and development, and plot development. We have been able to work with a partner or in a trio to work through each of the stages of writing.
In Maths, we have been practising our division strategies through lots of problem solving activities and games.
Our inquiry topic this term is ‘HEPS and Beyond’. We have been learning about Australia and how it is divided into states and territories like Victoria and New South Wales. Each has special places and things to see. We have been enjoying looking at the different landmarks around Australia including man-made and natural. We have researched those with names in the traditional local language (eg. Uluru) and used a map to discover the traditional landowners at each location.