Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop
50% off Clearance Sale – Uniform Shop
All current stock of the Templestowe Park PS uniform has been reduced by 50% in preparation for the launch of our new uniform later in the year.
Please either call in to the uniform shop to purchase your discounted uniform items or email your order through to the uniform shop.
The uniform shop email is uniformshop@templestoweparkps.vic.edu.au
I have attached an order form with the sale prices for your convenience. This list is subject to change as stock sells out.
A transition to our new uniform will take place over the next two years. Both the old and new uniform can be worn until 2026. This provides a two-year transition (approximately the lifespan of a school polo) to our new uniform.
Uniform Shop Trading Hours for 2024
- Monday and Friday mornings 8.30am to 9.00am
- Thursday afternoon 3.30pm to 4.00pm
Please contact the uniform shop if you have any further queries.
Thank you
Uniform Shop Coordinator