Sustainability @ TPPS

Last term for Naidoc Week, the Grade 5s and 6s made beautiful hanging discs with information about traditional uses of wattle trees. The scientific name for wattle is Acacia and there are different types of wattle all over the world. We hope you’ve had a chance for a closer look.
Our Grade 2s learned about making rope with Lomandra.
The Grade 4s have been preparing the garden for planting new vegetables.
We have opened our mushroom kits and have begun watering them every morning and afternoon. The white stuff that you can see is called Mycelium. This is the main body of fungi, and the mushrooms are like the fruit on a tree. The biggest part of a fungus is under the ground where we can’t see it. After we opened the box, we sprinkled soil over the top of the mycelium, and now we’re waiting for the mushrooms to grow.
It has been very cold lately, so the Grade 3s really enjoyed soaking in the sun when it did appear!
We are growing healthy sprouts for the hens in the Grade 3 classrooms. It’s a big responsibility to remember to water them every day.
Cinnamon is very curious about the new plant next to her coop!
Thanks to these clever kids, we now have a grape vine planted to shade the coop in summer and let the warm sun in over winter.