Classroom connections

What's happening in the 5/6 classrooms?
Cyber Safety is paramount!
The Year 5 and 6 students participated in a cyber safety presentation on Tuesday. They were shown how to navigate their way through uncomfortable situations online and how to be an “upstander” when their friends are being victimised.
They were educated on what consent means when one decides to post a photo of someone on social media, and that everything that is uploaded becomes a permanent and public part of your digital footprint.
Helpful advice was provided to the students when they are being bullied online:
- Take a screenshot of what is being posted as evidence.
- Seek help from a trusted adult or kids helpline.
- Change the settings to make your account private.
- Take a break from technology.
The year 5s and 6s took a great deal away from the presentation and look forward to participating in it again in Term 4.
Nos élèves de CM2 et de 6ème ont assisté à une présentation sur la cybersécurité mardi dernier. Ils ont appris à naviguer des situations inconfortables en ligne et comment se comporter en défenseur si un copain devait être victime d’intimidation. Nous prenons la cybersécurité au sérieux à CJC !
Mad about science
From Chiara and Kalani (5D)
Mad About Science’ was an incursion that happened on Thursday last week. We learnt about the difference between ‘Geological and Meteorological’ natural disasters.
We made instant snow by using the pipette and then the snow became like real snow, but it wasn't cold. We also made clouds in a bottle, we put pressure in the bottle then when we took the lid off really really fast it made a pop noise and then there was a cloud in a bottle!
hen the educator chose a student to go up in front of the class and he rubbed a balloon on the student’s hair that caused friction and static electricity.
Then if you let go of the balloon it stayed on her hair because of the friction between the hair and the balloon.
The last experiment we did was to create a mini tsunami. We had a little bottle and there was a special chemical inside and we put a whole Voost in the bottle, then we put the lid on, because of the lid the Voost made the chemical bubble and fizz up so that when we put it in water it popped in the water causing a mini tsunami!
From Remy and Malo (5C)
Last week, the year 5/6s went on an interesting incursion about natural disasters. We had lots of fun doing all sorts of science experiments such as: instant snow, tornadoes and clouds in a bottle. Some experiments were presented by the host, and he showed us how to make balloons
stick to your hair which was very entertaining. Mad about science was a very enjoyable and exciting incursion and we learnt a lot of things we did not know about natural disasters.
Natural disasters Inquiry
During Term 3, our Grade 5/6 students have embarked on an exciting Inquiry unit exploring natural disasters across the globe. Through engaging videos and informative texts, they’ve delved into the science behind these powerful events. From earthquakes to hurricanes, students have been intrigued by how and why these disasters occur. Now, they’re applying their new knowledge by producing their own explanation texts, detailing the processes behind these natural phenomena’s.
Les podcast littéraires de CJC
Depuis le début de l’année, les classes de 6E et 6F ont travaillé sur des podcasts sur leur livre préféré. On pouvait travailler en pair, ou individuellement. Nous avions lu un passage de notre livre choisi, résumé le livre et nous avons aussi expliqué pourquoi nous avions choisi ce livre. On a fait une compétition en Performing Arts pour élire un jingle pour notre podcast.
Le podcast s’appelle “Les podcasts littéraires de CJC”.
Ce projet a été très amusant, et nous avons tous découvert de nouveaux livres.
Bientôt, ils seront mis en ligne pour votre plus grand plaisir!
-La classe de 6E / 6F
Library time!